Monday 30 November 2009

Radio Assessment Recording Progress

As planned Me, Edem and James met up at Bath Spa University for our first stage of recording our assessment on the 26th of November 2009, we met at my house for 12.00pm. So from 12.30pm-3pm we performed Vox Pop's, we recorded in the Students Union Bar, outside the library and around halls of residence we got alot of good answers which are relevant to our topic. We also recorded our introduction for our assessment we did this in my shower room! as from many level tests it was the best place to record. The introduction was read by Edem.

Above is James and Edem recording the introduction in my shower room (Image taken from James Blog)

At 3pm-4pm we had a interview booked with Andy Leahy the Student Money and Welfare Adviser at Bath Spa University. The interview went really well and Andy's responses were really good and we have got plenty of material to cover the interview.

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