Friday 13 November 2009

Radio Assessment Progess

This week our group held a meeting about our Radio Assessment below is the meeting notes.

Radio Show Meeting, 10th of November 2009, 2.35pm, Gatehouse, Bath Spa University.

Attendants - Mike, Edem and James.
Not Attended - Ed (Excuses for not present is that he was ill)

Action Points
  • Reply from Welfare interview at Bath Spa University that they are happy to be interviewed gave us contact details
  • Harry has agreed to be the presenter of our radio program and share his personal experience with Student Finance.
  • Phoned Welfare to find out when they are available to be interviewed.
  • Edem has the music for the radio show (Kanya West - Cant tell me nothing and The Game - Money)
Next steps
  • Chase Welfare for interview
  • Speak to Harry for presenter duty's
  • Organize Vox Pops
Talk about next steps at next meeting which is on Monday the 16th of November.

Agreed roles in the group also discussed at the meeting

Harry = Presenter
Edem = Researcher
James = Editor
Mike =Sound
Ed = Interviewer

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