Tuesday 6 April 2010

Individaul Project - "The Interview and Gig"

I contacted the band 'Rudi's Message', they were happy to be interviewed, which enabled me to start drafting questions so I could create a narrative within the piece.

The Questions
  • What are the bands influences?
  • What made you start a Ska/2 Tone band in Cornwall?
  • Why do you think people in Camborne listen to Ska music?
  • What is your best memory of the band?
  • What have you got planed for the future?
For filming the gig I asked two of my mates to help me film which they were happy to do. So this meant I had three cameras to record the gig. When recording the gig I set it up like this:-

I had one camera on the balcony which gave an above shot

I set another camera on a Island, out of the way of the audience, to get a shot from the left

The third camera was hand held so I could get lots of different cut aways for my interview

Friday 26th March day of the gig

At 4.00pm myself and the two camera men went to the venue to set up ready for the gig. This included closing up the balcony and the island, all with the permission for the Corn Exchange.

The gig started at 9.30pm so we returned to the venue at 8.30pm so I could meet the band and find out when they would be ready to be interviewed. They had a few problems setting up so it took them a little longer to be ready for the interview. Most of the band came for the interview but the keyboard player was running late so I had to do the interview without him.

I set up the interview with two cameras, one static and the other hand held so I could get to different angles. My two mates manned the cameras so I could interview the band. The interview went really well, the band gave some really good answers which I can use to create a narrative within the project. Visually the interview looked ok but the lighting kept changing due to the night club lights. The audio from the interview was not so good, there is alot of background noise from people arriving at the gig however this has created an atmosphere to the piece.

The performance

The gig went really well, they played for a good hour and a half so I have penty of footage to include. A few examples of good cutaways that I filmed to use with the interview are - People feet "Ska dancing", a close up of the lead singer playing the Trombone and a shot of the Drummer's foot pedal. I have only detailed a few cutaways here. There were lots more which I didn't include. A big problem for me when filming in a big busy gig was getting knocked quite often which made the camera shake. To get around this I filmed from the side of the stage which the band kindly let me do.

The Next Steps

Film B Roll - Camborne Town
Get Permissions Signed
Log and capture footage
Work out a Narrative with the interview

I am going to look at my footage in post production to see what I have and if for some reason I need a extra cut away shots of Camborne town I can film it again as I am going back to Camborne before the hand in date.

Final thoughts about filming the gig - I really enjoyed filming the gig and getting lots of different angles of the band and a good range of camera shots. This is the first time I have filmed a live music gig and I really enjoyed it. I didn't like not being able to enjoy the music because I was involved with the filming. From the interview I learnt alot about the Ska/2 Tone genre which I would like people to share when they watch my project.

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