Thursday 29 October 2009

Research on Eisenstein, Kuleshov and Vertov

For this task I have been asked to research 3 pioneers film makers Eisenstein, Kuleshov and Vertov.

Vertov Dziga born in 1986 was known for his writing that focus on the individual versus the perceptive nature of the camera lens. Which he called the "the second eye".

Vertov belived that the world is seen better though a camrea then though our eyes, Vertov backs up his theiory of this in this film "Man with a Movie Camrea" this film documents the dawn till dusk in a soviet city all though the eye of the lense.

"Our eyes see very little and very badly" - Vertov Dziga.

Above is a image of Vertov, the image is tryi
ng showing that the lens is bigger and better then the human eye.

Sergei Eisenstein (The Farther of the Montage)

Eisenstein is known as the farther of the montage as he believed that a group of images with time spans and overlapping together build up a better picture then an image just by its self.

Finally there is Kuleshov

Lez Kuleshov took
Eisenstein's idea of montage and took images that would not normally mean anything by them self's but when put into context with image its Juxtaposes to create a different feeling this is know today as the Kuleshov effect. Below is an example of the Kuleshov effect.

as you can see from the video the
Kuleshov effect with the video is that the person is thinking about the female, food and the child this creates a story within the text, as if the images was by them self's there would be no link.

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